Our Story:
The Cruise Web emerged in 1994 as the life-long dream of one man to run his own business. Inspired by the launch of the first Internet browser and the World Wide Web's tremendous potential to reach consumers, Frans Hansen chose to focus on selling travel, for its geographical reach, growth potential, and high-value suppliers.
Cruise vacations, in particular, were just starting to boom among travelers and the need for retailers and sales people to promote and sell cruise vacations presented the perfect opportunity. Frans sold his cherished convertible, maxed out his credit cards, and worked full-time 7 days a week to get his dream off the ground. After the first year, he hired his first employee, the next year a second, and then two more the following year. Today, what began as the smallest cruise seller in a market of over 30,000 competitors has become one of the top 15 independent cruise sellers in North America.
Since its birth, the company's mission has been to earn lifelong clients with personalized travel planning and reliable service, while being accountable, rewarding success, and treating all with respect.