By The Cruise Web, Inc.
Your health can change at the drop of a dime, no matter where you are, but when you are traveling it’s very important to plan for a healthy vacation because you can’t run out and grab some aspirin at the store, or pick up a prescription from the doctor, quite as easily. If you follow these tips to avoid illness and maintain your health, you will surely have a fresh, active and exhilarating vacation without being hampered by a fever, a cough or the sniffles.
Most locations you travel to on a cruise do not require you to be vaccinated, but that can change from year to year, and even from day to day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers travelers a complete guide to suggested and required immunizations based on your travel destination.
Even if you are not required to receive a vaccination, it might be worth checking in with your doctor 4 to 6 weeks ahead of your trip, especially if you are traveling to an unusual or exotic location. As you do research on the activities and attractions at your destination, you may also want to check to see if there are any major diseases circulating, or warnings about drinking the water or eating any of the food at your destination. An informed traveler always has a better experience.
It might not be as fun as packing shoes, dresses or jewelry, but medication is the most important thing you can take with you on vacation. Make sure you pack all the medication you will need, plus an extra weeks worth, in case you lose some or your trip gets extended. Bring along a copy of your prescriptions with a list of the generic names of all your medications.
But please, don’t pack your medication in any luggage that will be separated from you while traveling. Keep them in your purse, pocket or your carry-on. You don’t want your pills to get stuck in a suitcase that was sent to Alaska, while you are flying into Miami.
Everyday Health Gear
On vacation you should be breathing in the fresh air and viewing beautiful vistas, not lounging indoors all day. So, make sure you put on some sunscreen. Whether it’s 100 in the shade or 30 below, sunscreen will protect your skin from harmful UV rays that can damage your body. While you pack your sunscreen, don’t forget chap stick for your lips and antibacterial wipes. Cruise ships have plenty of places for you to wash your hands or get rid of germs, but when you are on shore it’s a good idea to have wipes handy when your hands get sticky or when you’ve touched a railing that has most likely been touched by thousands of other tourists that day.
Since, we are on the subject of packing, along with your credit cards, your license and your wallet, don’t forget to take your health insurance card. In addition, always remember to stay hydrated. It can be hard when you are rushing to squeeze every activity into your day, but make sure you drink water so you can keep moving.
Mobility Aids/ Foot Care
On a cruise, or any type of vacation, you will certainly have down time where you relax in a pool or nap in a fluffy, comfortable bed, but you probably will have times where you are exploring your surroundings. Maybe that means you are going to an amusement park, visiting the Great Wall of China or walking through tiny medieval streets in Italy. If necessary, ensure you have a wheelchair, walker or cane to use as an aid. Cruise lines must be made aware of any medical equipment months ahead of your cruise. So let your cruise consultant know about any mobility device you want or need. You can also rent special equipment from companies like Special Needs at Sea, which will deliver wheelchairs, walkers, and even bathroom aides directly to your stateroom.
For those who don’t require extra assistance, be sure to pack comfortable shoes and battle sore feet with shoe inserts, band aids and soothing lotions to give your aching feet a break. While you’re at it, schedule a massage while on the ship to help ease your pain.
You can be super prepared, you can have your complete medical history printed out, but you never know what the future brings. That is why it’s imperative to purchase travel insurance before your trip. Having that insurance is going to relieve you of a lot of worry and stress, which is good for your health as well!
Now all you have to do is stay healthy before your trip, so you can make the most of these tips and the most of your next cruise. What’s your best travel tip when it comes to staying healthy?
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Have a Healthy Trip