While going on a cruise is definitely an angelic experience, we all know that sometimes when we’re on vacation we let some of our normal inhibitions go, which can lead to some “sinful” behavior. As they say, what happens at sea stays at sea. Don’t worry though, a cruise is meant for you to loosen up and let go of your inhibitions. Let’s see how many of these “sins” sound familiar to you.
Sloth – (n.) habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.
If sloth is your favorite cruising sin, you will relish the chance to lie by the pool all day waiting for the waiters to come around with those fun and flirty drinks, enjoy a full body massage plus a mani and a pedi, or just lounge on your balcony all day with room service stopping by for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And if you tire of being a sloth, plenty of onboard activities and adventures await you.
Our favorite: Choosing to use the ship’s elevator, even when you are going up one floor. C’mon, we’ve all done it.
Gluttony – (n.) excessive eating or drinking.
Well, no matter how good you are about your diet at home, you just absolutely have to partake in the amazing food and drink options onboard. Cruising is your chance to indulge in some of the world’s best cuisine, from the chocolate buffet and extensive wine menu to the steakhouse’s perfectly cooked New York strip and the sushi bar serving fresh tuna rolls. They’re all so good you might forget to leave room for dessert! Consider it fuel for more fun.
Our favorite: Those seven-course meals featuring everything from aperitifs and caviar to lobster and a decadent dessert, with other delights in between.
Greed – (n.) excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.
Don’t feel guilty about chasing your every desire on a cruise, that’s what the ships are designed for. You might find James Bond impersonators hanging out at the casino betting it all on red at the roulette wheel or holding a hot hand in a Texas Hold ’Em tournament. You might also notice cruisers with hoards of duty-free goods lined up with their luggage after the cruise. Hey, where else can you get such a great deal on that diamond bracelet you’ve been dreaming of?
Our favorite: Your friend who stands you up for dinner because he’s on the verge of “hitting it big” in the casino.
Wrath – (n.) strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
Well it’s really hard to get this angry when cruising, but there are certain situations that might bring up this feeling in a cruiser. Remember our dear friend at the casino? Watch out when they bet it all on red and it lands on black. And sometimes if you spend a little too long lounging on your deck chair you might feel the wrath of the sun, which can leave you with a fierce and fiery sunburn. However, cruises offer so many fun distractions that it’s impossible to stay angry long.
Our favorite: There is a special type of wrath set aside for cruisers who save deck chairs for hours on end. Just wait for the “wind” to blow away their seat-saving towel.
Envy – (n.) a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions, etc.
The Cruise Web is here to help you deal with your envy issues. You might be envious when you are onboard and get to peer into a suite, fail to reserve a spot for the sold-out shore excursion or hear how your friends were treated like royalty on their last luxury cruise. However, instead of brewing in jealous envy, call us and we’ll get you exactly what your friends had, and more.
Our favorite: That feeling in the pit of your stomach that rises when you see new passengers line up at the port to embark on the cruise you just finished. Time to move on to the next item on your bucket list.
Pride – (n.) a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
Well it’s no wonder you feel proud, you just booked the vacation of a lifetime with an expert cruise consultant at The Cruise Web. We won’t count that as a sin, but be careful not to fill your friends with (too much) jealousy when you boast of your great cruise when you get back.
Our favorite: Those cruisers who win the hairy chest contest, the belly flop contest, a round of trivia or any other onboard activity and don’t let the losers live it down. You’re always welcome to brag to us, so go ahead and send pictures of your trophy!
Lust – (n.) intense sexual desire or appetite.
There are tons of ways to be romantic at sea. I mean, they don’t call it “The Love Boat” for nothing. From the champagne service and chocolate covered strawberries to couples massages and hot tubs, there are countless ways to reignite that spark. Royal Caribbean conducted a poll of 1,000 people and 90% of them listed sex as their “top activity when they go on a cruise.”1 Seventy-five percent of these cruisers said their time at sea helped to improve their relationship, and the duty-free diamond bracelet didn’t hurt.
Our favorite: The “Do Not Disturb” sign.
Now that we know the tell-tale signs of sinful cruising, you can choose to embrace these behaviors in you and others, or choose to reform yourself. If you prefer the latter, check out our Seven Steps to Cruise Sainthood. Whether you’re a sinner or a saint (or somewhere in between), we’ll find the perfect cruise for you.
Which “sins” are you guilty of?
The Cruise Web, Inc.
1. http://www.prweb.com/releases/Royal_Caribbean/Romance_Survey/
The Seven Sins of Cruising