So You Think You Can Dance? Glenn Miller Orchestra to Sail with Crystal Cruises

Courtesy of Crystal Cruises.
Dancing - Courtesy of Crystal CruisesWhether you think you can dance, or know you really can’t, avid and novice dancers alike will have the opportunity to show off, and hone, their dancing skills aboard Crystal Cruises’ “Big Band and Ballroom Dance” fall voyage from Lisbon to Miami. With the legendary Glenn Miller Orchestra headlining, guests can waltz their way across the southern Atlantic, accompanied by the classic and retro sounds of a 20-piece live orchestra – or just enjoy the magical moves and mesmerizing music from the sidelines.
Crystal’s complimentary program won’t have judges, but will have:

  • Extra Ambassador Hosts to lead women without dance partners
  • Double the usual number of dance instructors
  • Dance lessons ranging from swing to salsa
  • Daily live performances of Big Band music
  • Afternoon and evening dancing until the wee hours
  • Themed lectures about artists such as Billie Holiday and Duke Ellington by Columbia jazz professor Robert O’Meally.

Crystal Serenity“Ballroom dancing has had a rebirth lately, with people of all ages wanting to either watch or participate in the glamour,” says Entertainment Vice President Bret Bullock. “This cruise offers a luxury immersion into that world. When set to live music from one of the greatest instrumental bands ever, against the backdrop of historic Lisbon, exotic Casablanca, the lush Canary Islands, tropical St. Maarten, and art deco Miami, it’s like living a real-life movie.”
The recently redesigned Crystal Serenity serves as the stage for this 13-day dance party-at-sea departing December 8.
The Cruise Web, Inc.
The Cruise Web, Inc.

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