A compilation by The Cruise Web employees.
Sitting at your desk, overwhelmed with work, sometimes just a quick glance at a picture of a beach can wash away the stress. Just as pictures can act as an immediate reminder of good times and good people, souvenirs or keepsakes from vacations past can serve as reminders of the destination, the fun of the vacation or just the spirit of the locals.
Read on to discover some of our Cruise Web staff’s most poignant, favorite and memorable vacation souvenirs.
Beth K.
I suppose my best souvenir is my engagement ring that my fiancé bought in San Juan. The weather wasn’t great and we ended up in a mall and he suggested we go into this jewelry store and just look around. Surprisingly he started to look at engagement rings and said something like, “Pick one out, I want to marry you and spend my life with you!”
Heather W.
I purchase an ornament at every destination. It’s a great reminder when I’m putting up my holiday tree – all the fun places I’ve been and the memories I’ve made.
Max T.
My best souvenir is the olive oil that I got from a winery in Tuscany. My mom is a big cook and I knew she would love it. I paired it with a really cool dish for oils that was in Sienna. I usually like bringing back something I can cook with or use in the kitchen.
Mike H.
Cashew wine from Guatemala. Seemed like a great idea at the time, but it turned out to be a terrible idea to pack it in my suitcase on the way home. It was easy to find my bag though – it was the one that was dripping red wine and smelled of fermented cashews.
Caroline T.
One of my favorite things to do on vacation is to find a nice piece of jewelry to represent each vacation I have taken. This Christmas when I vacation in St. Croix, I have already picked out the bracelet I plan to buy! While I don’t bargain for a lower rate, I already feel like I am getting a deal when I shop duty-free, so sometimes I grab myself a new purse or sunglasses as well.
JayCee P.
I try to collect shot glasses from each city I visit. I always try to get the most unique shot glass I can find as long as the name of the city is on it, to remind me where I got it from.
Erica K.
One of my most memorable souvenirs is a cocktail hat my mother bought me when we were in New Orleans a couple of years ago. The hat barely covers a quarter of my head, but it packs a punch with feathers, lace and a satin rose. We got it at a beautiful shop in the French Quarter and when I wear it on special occasions it not only makes me stand out in the crowd, but reminds me to “Let the Good Times Roll” as they say in New Orleans.
We want to know what your most memorable souvenir is and why. Share your stories in the comments section and feel free to email a picture of your treasured keepsake to reply@cruiseweb.com.
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Our Most Memorable Shopping Souvenirs