As one of Oceania Cruises’ top producers, The Cruise Web was invited to participate in the Oceania’s 15th Anniversary celebration in New York City, featuring an exquisite menu inspired by none other than world renowned chef, Jacques Pepin!
The Cruise Web’s Vice President, Karolina Shenton, was honored to represent the company at this intimate event hosted by the Oceania’s executive team. The menu presented that evening was a seven-course affair, La Cuisine Bourgeoise, and featured dishes from Pepin’s childhood. Oceania’s clients can now taste the same dishes on select Oceania’s ships and enjoy “happiness on the plate” as Jacques Pepin says.
The special guests of the event included, Jacques and his daughter, Claudine Pépin, who is the godmother of the Oceania’s ship – Sirena.
Upon Karolina’s return to the office, she had more than a few stories about the amazing dishes she enjoyed at this exclusive event. If you would like to experience this amazing culinary experience for yourself, speak with one of our cruise consultant about booking your next voyage aboard Oceania Cruises.
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Oceania Cruises Celebrates 15 Years!