Courtesy of MSC Cruises.
Guests need take no chances with Lady Luck following the latest offer of free gaming lessons of black jack, poker, roulette and dice* in the sumptuous casinos of the MSC Cruises’ fleet.
At least twice a cruise, depending on the ships and itineraries, 15-minute gaming lessons will be available to guests at the casino in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere before the frenetic exhilaration of the casino opening.
Experienced croupiers will teach the house rules to groups of 10-12 players, explaining the maximums, minimums, chip values and a range of valuable tips on the use of proper hand signals to placing bets and basic strategy insights. Although lessons will be taught in English, the croupiers will adapt to the nationality of the participants.
The gaming lessons will be announced in the daily programme guests receive in their cabin. No registration is required and interested guests should just arrive at the casino half an hour before it opens.
Once technical and tactical skills have been acquired, each guest will be offered a 10€ matching coupon to get started. This coupon, usually exclusively offered to Club members, can be used at the casino tables together with a 10€ cash stake and must be wagered on an even chance bet. If the guest wins, he or she will receive an additional 10€ chip along with their winnings in exchange for the coupon.
In addition, courtesy gaming booklets revealing the secrets of the most popular casino games are now available in all MSC Cruises’ casinos to enhance the fun and enjoyment of gambling newbies.
*Dice lessons are available only onboard MSC Poesia.
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Get in the Game with MSC Cruises