By The Cruise Web, Inc.
Cruise Web Senior Consultant Jen Crivelli is raising a champion. Jen’s Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Hope, is a show dog. That means that Jen travels around the region entering Hope into American Kennel Club (AKC) shows.
The last weekend in July, Jen and Hope traveled to Salem, Virginia where Hope earned a point toward her AKC championship and was named Best of Opposite Sex, which means that the winner of Best of Breed was a male dog, and Hope was the best female dog in the breed.
Hope now has 5 points to her name, and the AKC requires 15 points for a dog to become a champion. At the age of two-and-a-half, it seems Hope is well on her way. During the shows Hope is judged against other female dogs in her breed.
The judges are comparing Hope to the extensive standards the AKC has on Pembroke Welsh Corgis. For instance, on the AKC’s website they specify in great detail every aspect of the physical appearance. Here’s just what they say about the ears of this breed: “Ears-Erect, firm, and of medium size, tapering slightly to a rounded point. Ears are mobile, and react sensitively to sounds. A line drawn from the nose tip through the eyes to the ear tips, and across, should form an approximate equilateral triangle. Bat ears, small catlike ears, overly large weak ears, hooded ears, ears carried too high or too low, are undesirable. Button, rose or drop ears are very serious faults.”
Jen said the process for judging involves Hope and the other dogs going around the ring for the judge to examine the dog’s gate from the side. That is followed by the judge’s examination of the dog, checking out their coat and their teeth. Then the dog does another run for the judge to see the gait from the back and finally the dog’s expression is checked, for this Jen uses hot dogs as bait to get Hope to smile.
“You’re showing off the dog,” Jen said. To get in such good condition for showing, Hope gets exercised and groomed every day, and her teeth are also brushed daily.
Hope is the first dog that Jen has ever shown, and in November she’ll be bred. Jen is excited to eventually show one of Hope’s puppies.
Have you ever seen a Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Be sure to share your congratulations for Hope’s achievements in the comments below.
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Cruise Consultant's Show Dog Earns a Point