Frans Hansen, founder and president of The Cruise Web, proudly displayed his new touch-screen smartphone around the office this month. With access to synchronized business emails, contacts, calendar, and tasks, plus 3G Web speeds and personal features like the built in camera, Hansen claims to further pad his “hi-tech” lead over his technology-savvy young children. […]
Cruise Web News
Blogs about Cruise Web News.
The recent economic climate has been one of the most difficult and the most personal that almost every one of us has experienced. Each of us has been affected by the downturn in one way or another, and we all have family members, friends, or colleagues that have lost their jobs. Those of us who have kept our jobs, have had to tighten our belts, eliminate wasteful spending, and build our reserves. If you look hard enough, however, there is usually a silver lining in every cloud!
By Heather Wasson, Sales Manager The Cruise Web had an amazing opportunity to experience Royal Caribbean’s west coast inaugural sailing of the Mariner of the Seas. Such inaugural sailing opportunities are a benefit of working at The Cruise Web! These opportunities are invaluable as they allow The Cruise Web’s consultants to experience first-hand all the […]
Cruise Consultant Tina Colicchio came across an old picture of her and her daughter and is considering going back to the hair style that brought her so much happiness in the past. “I think I can bring this back, as long as Aquanet still sells the industrial-sized cans” stated Tina. The Aquanet cans might not […]
By Karolina Shenton, Marketing & Operations Manager, The Cruise Web. Last month I went to Tanzania, East Africa to “conquer” the Uhuru peak, the highest point of Kilimanjaro mountain at 19,330 ft. Uhuru Peak on Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s “Big Seven” peaks making it the highest free standing mountain in the world and […]
On any cruise, your first day at sea includes a passenger safety drill. Erin, our Client Services Manager’s baby, was up front and center ready to show everyone on board how it should be done. She properly wore her life jacket and was first to her muster station! As you can see, the cruise […]
We hosted an Alaska cruise night on January 8, 2009 at Strathmore Mansion in Bethesda, Maryland. The event was aimed at local clients who wanted to learn more about Alaska and plan a cruise or cruise tour to this destination.
The winner of the latest Suggestion Box contest gives suggestions for marketing Cunard in today’s economy.