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Cruise Web President to Send Thumbs on Spa Cruise

Frans Hansen, founder and president of The Cruise Web, proudly displayed his new touch-screen smartphone around the office this month. With access to synchronized business emails, contacts, calendar, and tasks, plus 3G Web speeds and personal features like the built in camera, Hansen claims to further pad his “hi-tech” lead over his technology-savvy young children.
Hansen’s only challenge is the sporadic thumb key gaff on the touch-screen keyboard.  However, Hansen claims to have a plan, “I’m sending my thumbs on a spa cruise, to slim down and tone up.  When they return with their improved dexterity, there will be no stopping me.”
The thumbs, themselves, could not be reached by voice, but they did provide this joint email statement — “We can#t wait for our fiirsf vacatiien alone. It’s goin9 to bee a lblast!”
The multitude of entertainment and spa options at sea does make choosing a cruise for his thumbs a little more difficult, though, admits Hansen.  “I want the best for them and I will miss them,” laments Hansen, “but I don’t want my thumbs having too much fun without me”.  To ensure that his thumbs come back toned but also rested and rejuvenated, Hansen says he will likely pick a smaller and more intimate ship for his thumbs’ retreat.