Think of the wonders of Paris, the smell of bakeries, the taste of rich cheeses, the grandeur of old buildings… and on top of that there is the alluring french language. From oui to mon ami to croissant, the words just seem to roll off your tongue.
But France is on the other side of an ocean, it’s a ways away. If you want to get the feeling of France just a bit closer to home, consider a Canadian cruise that stops in Quebéc City. This city, which was founded by Samuel de Champlain over 400 years ago, has all that France offers from wonderful food, idyllic settings and, of course, the french language.
Here is The Cruise Web’s list of the top 5 things you need to experience in this beautiful port.
- Learn about the city’s rich history in the old walled city called Vieux Quebéc (Old Quebéc). Here you will find homes dating back to the 17th century and the Citadel, which is an old fortress that features a changing of the guard every day from June 24 to the first Monday in September.
- Take in a comprehensive view of the city and the St. Lawrence River on the Terrasse Dufferin. Think of this as a boardwalk along the river. Here you can see local performers, catch a fun festival and, of course, get great photos for your scrapbook.
- Visit the city’s old jail and library in one stop. The Morrin Centre was originally built as the city’s first prison, but eventually it became a beautiful Victorian library. When you go you can see the prison cells along with the bookshelves and learn about this landmark’s unique history.
Try the cheese. Quebéc allows cheese makers to use raw milk cheeses that are aged less than 60 days, which makes for cheese with its own unique Quebéc flavor. While you are trying the cheese, save room for Tourtière, a traditional meat pie from the area. You may also be familiar with another local specialty – Poutine, which is fries covered in gravy and cheese curds.
- Treat yourself to some chocolate at the Choco-Musée Érico where you can get a delightful treat and learn how to make melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. If you are feeling a bit more daring, get a crisp drink at the Ice Hotel. That’s right, a bar in a hotel that is made out of ice. This hotel is rebuilt every year and is open from January to April.
The best way to see this beautiful city is on a cruise where you can take in the breathtaking beauty of Canada and New England. For those that have been to Quebéc, what was your favorite spot?
The Cruise Web, Inc.