By The Cruise Web, Inc.
While Americans consume the most ice cream, roughly 60 million gallons per year, countries all over the world also delight in the joy of this summer treat. Each country seems to have its own delicious and unique twist on ice cream. So I hope you packed your bags because we are taking a quick cruise around the world to learn about ice cream. Lets start our cruise from New York.
United States
Ice cream came to America with the Quakers and was a popular dish among Presidents Washington and Jefferson. Dolly Madison, James Madison’s wife, is credited with popularizing the dish by serving it at her husband’s presidential inauguration in 1809.
America is also responsible for the ice cream sundae, but historians are not quite sure who came up with the special treat. Upstate New York cities Buffalo and Ithaca both claim to be the birthplace along with Two Rivers, Wisconsin and Evanston, Illinois.
Charles I is said to have loved a version of ice cream his chef made for him for a banquet so much that he offered him 500 pounds a year to keep it a secret. Bad news for Charles, he soon fell from grace and was beheaded. Good news for the rest of the world, the secret was no longer safe.
Ice cream in turkey is made with sahlab, which is ground orchid root. The root gives the ice cream an elasticity so you can stretch out your dessert, literally.
Japanese people love ice cream and their most popular flavors are vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and green tea. One of the more popular ice cream treats is mochi, which is a ball of ice cream wrapped in smooth sheets of pounded sticky rice.
And remember, as you set out to try all these ice cream varieties, you can always enjoy all the ice cream you desire on a cruise.
What is your favorite place to get ice cream?
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Ice Cream Around the World