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First Haircut: $50 per inch!

By The Cruise Web, Inc.
When my son Max turned 8 months old, I was excited to hear his mother say that it was time for his first haircut. His red hair had been growing as fast as he was and had now come down over his ears. Like any proud papa, I was looking forward to taking those first few locks and putting them away for posterity.
My initial excitement quickly turned to horror, however, when my wife announced that this event would not take place in our kitchen. No, she announced, his hair is much too precious for amateur barbers, like us to clip. The only place for him is her stylist’s chair!
Now, I realize that the bond between a woman and her hair stylist is perhaps stronger than a man’s bond with his money. Once before, she had convinced me to let this so-called miracle worker cut my hair. The experience was fine, I had never been offered a glass of wine at my barbershop. However, I wish I had drunk a few more glasses when they gave me the bill. $85.00! For a haircut! What! I was stunned, my hand trembled as I handed over my credit card. My head was spinning. What do you tip on that?
It was these thoughts that filled my head now. “I am not paying a hundred dollars for him to have his bangs trimmed.” I firmly stated.
“Too late,” came the answer. “He has an appointment.” An appointment! He cannot stand. He has no teeth. He does not eat solid food, yet he has an appointment with a stylist!
With great anxiety I met my wife and Max at the “stylist’s” a few days later. The experience was great. Yes, I had a few glasses of wine and prepared myself so as not to explode when presented the bill. Yet, this was unnecessary as there was no bill. In this time of economic cut back, our stylist came through and clipped that precious red hair simply as her good deed for the day!
I lost a bit of cynicism that day and for a moment considered making an appointment for myself. Only for a moment as I saw my wife drop a $20 in the tip jar. All in all, a good deal, for a special occasion!
The Cruise Web, Inc.
The Cruise Web, Inc.