A compilation from The Cruise Web employees.
Near the end of every year, people reflect on the year that has passed and start to plan for the New Year ahead. And one of the many ways people begin their plans is with a New Year’s Resolution. Sometimes the resolution is a summary of all the things someone wishes to accomplish in the coming years, and others are simple phrases or statements that help people stay focused on their new or continuing goals. While not every person practices making New Year’s resolutions, below is a collection of some of The Cruise Web’s employees who do.
Adam W., Cruise Consultant
Spend as much time as I can cruising. I’d like to spend as much of my vacation time as possible on the water. Where will I cruise? That’s half the fun–planning where to go next!
Raquel G., Cruise Consultant
My resolution is to finally take my Commodore cruise with Cunard; I would really like to do the Transatlantic Crossing on the QMII or QV!
John T., Sr. Cruise Consultant
I resolve, in the New Year, to come to work one casual Friday in May wearing a pair of jeans from high school that I have saved these many years. By then I will be at my target weight of 160 – 170 and I resolve to NEVER EVER gain it back and become the healthiest person I can in 2010 and beyond.
Corrina C., Cruise Consultant
My resolution is to prepare healthier, home-cooked meals for my family! This shouldn’t be too hard, as I did go to culinary school, but it’s the planning that has been holding me up. I am much better at vacation planning!
Chris R., Sr. Manager of Sales and Client Services
To go on a cruise with my family.
Jaime F., Assistant Manager, Client Services
I have two resolutions. One is to travel more (hopefully the honeymoon will take care of that one). The second is to find and make lots of new and exciting recipes, rather than the same ol’ humdrum ones I have now (and of course share them with my co-workers).
Beth K., Cruise Consultant
New Year resolutions come and go and this year, mine is to stay true to my goals and work on them consistently. Besides the usual: eating healthy, exercising and quitting smoking, I have added some new ones to the list:
– Find more balance in my life, not just focus on work and mothering.
– Find something to be grateful for every day.
Said D., Cruise Consultant
As part of my New Year’s Resolution I would like to imagine my life to be a nice long cruise that I am on. I want interesting ports, people, and experiences with the perfect mix of sea days folded in to give me a chance to sit out on my balcony, sip my favorite drink, and enjoy things as simple as clouds moving about in the twilight skies. If at year’s end in 2010 I feel this was accomplished then I will translate that into a successful year because I continued to establish the means to make the trip happen, I enjoyed the time away with friends and family, and not once did my cruise of life have to wait for a tender! 🙂
Mike H., Sales Manager
My New Year’s resolution is to become famous by doing something that does not deserve fame. I’m thinking of having 40 kids and sending one of them airborne in a balloon, or possibly crashing a high profile party or political function… or maybe date a famous pop star and ride her coat tail all the way to the bank. Whatever gets me my own reality show would work, I guess.
So what’s your New Year’s Resolution?