By: The Cruise Web, Inc.
Everyone knows that there is plenty of food on a cruise. Most people think of food for the body only. But let’s look at food for the brain. There is plenty of that on a cruise, too.
You always mean to set aside time to learn something new, but it’s hard to do with a full schedule. A cruise is actually a good time to learn something new. Do you have a lot of pictures you’ve downloaded to your computer and don’t know what to do with them? There are classes on how to organize your pictures and how to edit them. Want to learn something new on the computer? There are classes for all levels of use.
Have you wanted to learn to play bridge? There are classes for that. You can take pottery classes, jewelry making classes and all types of arts and crafts lessons. Do you like the towel animals in your cabin? There are sometimes classes to learn how to make them.
Do you want to learn more about wine? Go to a wine tasting on the ship. You can taste different types of wines and learn a lot about the many varieties and how to appreciate them. There are cooking demonstrations – some with the Executive Chef on the ship and some with guest chefs from different areas of the country. You can learn a lot and they can be very entertaining. And when you learn to cook a new dish, don’t forget to learn how to fold napkins. You’ll want your dinner table to look as classy as the meal you are making. And you’ll know the perfect wine to pair with the meal.
There are dance lessons on a ship – from line dancing to ballroom dancing. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try yoga or Pilates – there are classes for those. Did you ever wonder how they put on the shows on a ship? Take a backstage tour to see how it all comes together.
Most cruise ships have libraries. They have an extensive variety of books – maybe you can find that book you’ve been meaning to read that you never had the time for. While relaxing in the library, you can always sharpen your mind with a crossword puzzle or Sudoku.
Cruise ships often have guest lecturers. Some will be experts on the area you are cruising to. If you’re in Alaska there will be a naturalist on the ship. A Panama Canal cruise will have a speaker about the history of the canal. I was on a cruise once where there was a producer of Broadway shows. It was amazing to hear about the entire process and costs from beginning to end. One cruise I was on even had speakers about the history of chocolate. You never know what topics they will come up with!
The best thing about a cruise is that you are totally taken care of. So now you’ll have the time to do something you’ve always wanted to do. Take advantage of it and learn something new.
The Cruise Web, Inc.
Onboard Mind Enrichment