
Blogs about cruise destinations.

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  • Experiencing Caribbean Culture with Carnival

    By Erica Kritt, Social Media Coordinator, The Cruise Web, Inc. I’m going to be honest with you, a vacation to the Caribbean is not my ideal vacation spot. I know it’s sacrilege, right? How can anyone not want to vacation in the Caribbean, especially on a day where I look out the window to see blizzard-like conditions? […]

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  • Discover Your Roots On a Cruise

    By The Cruise Web, Inc. No matter if you immigrated to this country in the last decade or your great, great, great, great-grandfather made the journey, most people in the United States can trace their ancestry to a foreign nation. While being an American makes up a large part of our identities, we also have […]

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  • Alaska's Best Shore Excursions

    Since 2000, Princess Cruises has been awarding the local tour operators in Alaska and British Columbia with their CRUISE service awards to honor the excursions that gave the most exciting and satisfying experiences to their passengers. We’d like to highlight the winning experiences to give you an idea of what awaits you on a cruise to […]

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  • Expedition Cruises

    By The Cruise Web, Inc. Like James Cook, Vasco da Gama or Marco Polo, you can set out on your own expedition to parts unknown (at least unknown to you) via an expedition cruise. An expedition cruise is one where you are being active in an exotic locale. You are getting out into the elements, […]

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  • The Panama Canal: More Than a Cruise

    By The Cruise Web, Inc. 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal. This man-made waterway changed economics, politics and probably affects your life today without you even knowing it. For instance, 10 percent of all U.S. shipping goes through the canal. That means goods you purchase come through the canal, and […]

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  • 10 Facts You Might Not Know About the Panama Canal

    With an extensive history and a major effort, there are lots of interesting statistics and facts associated with the Panama Canal. Here are 10 we think are either odd, fascinating or tell a greater story. Clicking on any of these will let you tweet their contents to spread the knowledge. 1. Despite his passion and […]

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  • A Panama Canal Cruise is Relaxing AND Riveting

    By The Cruise Web, Inc. A Panama Canal cruise is equal parts adventure and retreat. Transiting the canal itself is a process that requires patience, giving you time to reflect on the lock system and learn about the history and impact of the canal. When not transiting, the Panama Canal is bordered by exciting ports […]

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  • Holland America Line Celebrates Panama Canal Centennial

    To commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the official opening of the Panama Canal back in August of 1914, Holland America Line has scheduled 28 sailings through this historic waterway starting this month. The sailings are onboard six of Holland’s acclaimed ships: ms Veendam, ms Zaandam, ms Zuiderdam, ms Westerdam, ms Amsterdam and ms Statendam.  […]

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