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  • Paul Gauguin Reveals Exciting Lineup of Special Guest Host Sailings

    Paul Gauguin Cruises, operator of the highest-rated and longest continually sailing luxury cruise ship in the South Pacific, the m/s Paul Gauguin, proudly presents an array of 2012 itineraries with special hosts appealing to a variety of interests – from cooking and astronomy to marine biology.

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  • Splendour of the Seas’ Revitalization Doubles Dining Options

    Royal Caribbean International’s Splendour of the Seas will reemerge from an extensive revitalization on November 25, 2011, with more than twice the number of dining options previously available to guests. The enhancements, including a variety of new restaurants first introduced aboard Oasis-class ships, stay true to the cruise line’s commitment to deliver the Royal Advantage, providing guests with the industry’s most innovative cruise ships, exciting destinations and superior Gold Anchor service.

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  • Cruise to the Future

    When I was asked to write this article, the marketing folks at The Cruise Web handed me a loaded question: “what’s in store for the future of cruising?”
    I’m not a seer with additional insight into the industry and the “future” can mean so many different things. Really, I’m still waiting for the flying cars I was promised 30 years ago. So I think we have to temper any predictions for the “future” of cruising with a foundation of reality but liberally laced with bits of fancy.

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  • Future Cruise Plans

    Being a cruise travel agency, it makes sense that our employees would be extremely enthusiastic about cruising. As a matter of fact, it’s not uncommon for at least one employee to be on a cruise at any given moment. For the rest of us back at the office, it’s hard not to think about where we want to cruise next. Read on to see our future cruise plans.

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  • President's Message – Into the Future

    When I started this company 17 years ago, introducing the web site just after the launch of the very first Netscape web browser, The Cruise Web was a one person company, setting up our first supplier contacts, and preparing for our very first cruise bookings. Only about 3% of the North American population had ever cruised at that time, and cruise lines, with their classic ship designs, were just starting to more aggressively reach out to the greater U.S. population.

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