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  • The Cruise Web Hosts "Potluck-O-Gold" St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

    On March 20, 2012, The Cruise Web hosted a “Potluck-O-Gold” luncheon to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! The celebration may have come a few days late, but you wouldn’t have known based on the office atmosphere. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, employees prepared and contributed their best green and gold dishes. Throughout the luncheon, our […]

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  • Carnival Partners with George Lopez

    The Carnival Miracle charts a new course. Starting April 12 the ship, which will now be doing 8-day cruises year round from New York City, features the first comedy club with George Lopez serving as namesake. The Hispanic comedian famous for his ABC sitcom and TNT talk show is doing more than just adding his name to the comedy club.

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  • Avalon Waterways Adds More Choices

    Starting in 2013 passengers on any Avalon Waterways’ river cruise will have more options when it comes to touring ports and dining. This week the company announced a new initiative called Avalon Choice. “Now, and only with Avalon, at every turn, cruisers will enjoy the luxury of choice,” said Patrick Clark, managing director for Avalon Waterways.

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  • Get $50 for Your Summer Vacation!!!

    By The Cruise Web, Inc. UPDATED: This promotion ended 4/30/2012. Summer vacation is right around the corner and we want to help you get ready for it. We are giving away a $50 gift card to Target for you to spend on your summer vacation plans! This giveaway runs until April 30, 2012,  so sign […]

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  • How to Avoid Sales Tax on a Cruise

    Everyone wants that special souvenir from their trip. Sometimes souvenirs are the $1 key chains at the t-shirt shop on an Alaskan cruise and sometimes they can be the thousand dollar jewels from Cartier on a river cruise in France or original artwork from a local artist on a South American cruise in Argentina. Whatever it is, you want to get the best deal you possibly can.

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  • The 5 Best Gardens to Visit on a Cruise

    Spring time is the best time for nature lovers to get out of their gardens and explore some of the world’s best gardens. We’ve listed the top five gardens with the cruises that will take you there. So put down those pruning shears and pick up your camera.

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